Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things I am looking forward to..

June 19th, seeing Joel McHale live, this time with my husband so all drooling will be kept to a minimum.

The day that Rebecca is fully potty trained.

The new "Harry Potter" movie, coming out in July!

The "Informant" with Matt Damon and Joel McHale, coming out this fall.... eye candy... there may actually be a plot, but I won't care.

Getting some new books to read.

Getting some motivation to work on my book. (watch out for your character, DH!)

Going on a date with my husband.

The day that my Divas are old enough to do all of the chores around the house.

Warm weather, not hot, but that time in between where it is warm all day and cool at night.

Grilling every meal this summer.

The next time I go out with my friends.

What are you looking forward to?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am starting to get those 700 lb people...

I just finished mopping my kitchen floor, so I thought I would throw a blog out there while I wait for it to dry.
Not too much new in Diva land, we had our dear friends Amy and Natalie from Michigan stay with us for the weekend. Rebecca came up to me early Monday morning with eyes as big as saucers and said to me in her most pathetic voice, "Mommy, when is Amy going to come back? I miss her". I was about to shed a tear until I heard the follow up; "I am so sad, I think you should buy me a kitty to cheer me up". Wow, I am surprised she has learned a skill like that so young... men are screwed in about 15 years.

We went out to the bar Saturday night, something I have not done in years. I was excited because my DH was able to go with us, compliments of me throwing a couple twenties at the baby-sitter. I forgot how much fun DH and I used to have out with friends before we entered the world of parenting.

I honestly wish I could spend the rest of the day being obnoxiously lazy. I can imagine myself lying in bed, reading, eating ice cream. However, the laundry does not do itself, and the Diva's are not able to reach the knobs. The weekend does not offer any reprieve, I have to go teach the first communion kids some songs on Saturday and then church on Sunday. Good times. Some days I imagine myself when the kids are in school, being that woman you see on the TLC specials... "Tennessee woman has not left her bed for 3 years..." Nah, I would get bored. Three days... now that sounds doable!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Maybe I am a four year old....

After writing about "Twilight" yesterday, I realized there are more things that make me like a 14 year old girl.

"Harry Potter"... the movies, the books, the characters. I own HP t-shirts, movies, deluxe edition movies, books (both hardcover and paperback). I love it. When "Goblet of Fire" came out in theaters I was 8 months pregnant with Rebecca. I managed to sit through a three hour movie with only one bathroom break, which is like a dang record. Yes, my bladder was sore for a week after, but it was so worth it.

When I was 7 months pregnant with Sarah "The Order of the Phoenix" came out in theaters. I looked about 13 months pregnant, but proudly sported a "Gryfindor" t-shirt to the movie. I wish I had taken a picture because I am certain I looked hilarious. Keep in mind that I wear a large or x-large t-shirt when not pregnant, and this t-shirt was a medium... totally stretched over my bulbous frame.

When the last "HP" book came out, my wonderful hubby had pre-ordered it so it arrived first thing in the morning. I read the entire 800 page book that day. I was pregnant with Sarah at the time, or I would have went to the bookstore at midnight to get a copy. I like to think I was instilling a love of Harry Potter in my girls from the time they were in the womb.

*side note, when the first HP movie came out, I thought Daniel Radcliffe was a cute little kid. Fast forward 6 years.... I would so be his Mrs. Robinson.

"Spongebob Squarepants"... I don't know if this makes me a 14 year old girl, or a 4 year old, but I think this show is freaking hilarious. I love that my 3 year old loves it. I am willing to buy my girls SB toys, movies, clothes, books, snacks... mainly because I can not find these items in my size. I have to admit, there is a twinge of jealousy that runs through me every time I see my daughter in her SpongeBob jammies.

"The Disney Store"... I can not go to the mall without checking out the Disney store- with or without my children in tow. I swear, it is the freaking happiest place on earth, with the exception of Disney WORLD. My favorite part of Disney world is the souvenir shopping (and the food... but that's a different blog). The genius minds at Disney took the best part of Disney and brought it to my local mall....pure genius. I only wish they made that cute Tinkerbell costume in my size.

"I-Carly", "Hannah Montana", and "Drake and Josh"- love 'em! I will sometimes lie to my kids that the t.v. is broken so we have to watch them. They take me back to my actual youth when I would watch "Saved by the Bell", "Out of This World", and "You Can't do that on Television"

"American Idol"- Seacrest may no longer sign of with "Seacrest out", but I can remember a time when he did. I have watched every season since Kelly Clarkson sang her way into America's heart. I have rooted for Clay, Reuben, Carrie, David, and more. I have witnessed Paula's comedowns from various drugs and medications. Hell, I remember when Randy was FAT!

"MTV Movie, Video Music, or any other Award"- I always watch, although I am not as familiar with the songs as I once was. There are a lot of new "singers" who don't make any sense to me... i.e. Katy Perry, Lady Ga-ga, etc....they are more interested in running around on stage showing their ta-tas, screaming nonsensical bulls*t into a microphone. Remember when artists would take the stage and actually sing? Huh.I sounded a lot like my dad just then....maybe I am getting old after all.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My DH pointed out to me that I wrote about "banging Edward Cullen like a screen door in a wind storm" and then followed it up with a paragraph about going to church 3 times in one weekend... I fail to see the issue.....

It's been awhile...

Wow, 10 days, no posts... Easter season started off with a bang heard round the world... my birthday! This year totally rocked in the present department. I had many friends who dropped by with gifts, I really wasn't expecting anything!

DH did his b-day shopping for me at one of his favorite stores, Best Buy. I got Wii Fit, and am really trying to not take the message that I need to lose weight. (I mean, I do need to lose weight, but...)
Rebecca got me Wii "music" and Sarah got me "Twilight". Yes, I am a teenage girl at heart who totally digs the Cullen's and wants to bang Edward like a screen door in a tornado.

Oh, speaking of tornadoes, the weather people around here have been wetting their pants with excitement due to all the crappy weather we have had. Before moving to Tennessee I had no clue that this area became a tornado alley every April.

Easter weekend was great, I was busy with church for the majority. 3 masses, 1 Saturday, and 2 Sunday morning, plus decorating Wed, Thur, Fri, and Sat nights. I am glad the decor we have up now will be up for a few weeks.

The girls loved their Easter baskets and egg hunting. They had a blast. We had our friends and neighbors, the Pacholski's over for Easter dinner (basically an excuse to eat Kara's delicious hashbrown and then all the girls hunted eggs and played with bubbles.

All in all, a great 10 days!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dear Sarah

Dear Sarah,
Why do you loathe me so? Let me count the ways...
1. Miserable pregnancy
2. Not sleeping through the night until you were almost one
3. Colic
4. Never allowing me to shop in peace
and number 5.....
Screaming and flinging yourself at the door during a TORNADO watch yelling, "Sarah! Outside! Sarah Outside NOOOW!" Over and over

Luckily, I love your cute, curly headed, ass, or you WOULD have been outside during the tornado.:O)

P.S.... thank you for telling me, "nie-nie, luv ew," when I put you to bed. I love you, too, Beelzebub.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rabbit, Rabbit

Well,I have 2 1/2 hours to complete the following things....
1. Tidy up my house so it passes the "mom" test that will occur when my mother comes over to babysit at 5:00. (in her defense, she never says a word, I just have a paranoia about this)
2. Take a shower, put on make-up, fix my hair...
3. Learn the songs for "Holy Week" and get everything ready for choir practice tonight.

Each should take about an hour, I have 2 1/2...and I am currently I will probably slack on either cleaning or hair and make up. It is still a toss up at this point. They are both ruined by night fall anyway.

Today I took the Divas and myself on an outing. We drove the 30 miles to the "Boro", because I woke with a desire to go to Old Navy. When we were leaving the "boro" it occurred to me that no one knew where we were- which is a little scary. My DH and I do not speak to one another very often during the day. Our phone calls are few and far between and are purely factual. "Hi babe, have to go out to dinner with work" "okay, have a good time".... that's pretty much the extent of it. Every so often he calls to see how we are doing, but mostly we don't chat much.

I am not complaining about this. I have friends who speak to their husbands periodically throughout the day, and while I do think it is sweet, I realize this is just one of those things that we do differently.

Another thing that my DH and I do different is the "no bull shit" tolerance. I now can not stand when people are cryptic or beat around the bush.... You want help? Ask me! You want my advice? Ask me!
I used to be very cryptic without realizing it.... never coming right out and saying what I want or need. That has changed recently. I realize I get waaay better results in life just being upfront with what I want and need!

Well, I am off to half ass my hair, makeup, and housework!