Well,I have 2 1/2 hours to complete the following things....
1. Tidy up my house so it passes the "mom" test that will occur when my mother comes over to babysit at 5:00. (in her defense, she never says a word, I just have a paranoia about this)
2. Take a shower, put on make-up, fix my hair...
3. Learn the songs for "Holy Week" and get everything ready for choir practice tonight.
Each should take about an hour, I have 2 1/2...and I am currently blogging...so... I will probably slack on either cleaning or hair and make up. It is still a toss up at this point. They are both ruined by night fall anyway.
Today I took the Divas and myself on an outing. We drove the 30 miles to the "Boro", because I woke with a desire to go to Old Navy. When we were leaving the "boro" it occurred to me that no one knew where we were- which is a little scary. My DH and I do not speak to one another very often during the day. Our phone calls are few and far between and are purely factual. "Hi babe, have to go out to dinner with work" "okay, have a good time".... that's pretty much the extent of it. Every so often he calls to see how we are doing, but mostly we don't chat much.
I am not complaining about this. I have friends who speak to their husbands periodically throughout the day, and while I do think it is sweet, I realize this is just one of those things that we do differently.
Another thing that my DH and I do different is the "no bull shit" tolerance. I now can not stand when people are cryptic or beat around the bush.... You want help? Ask me! You want my advice? Ask me!
I used to be very cryptic without realizing it.... never coming right out and saying what I want or need. That has changed recently. I realize I get waaay better results in life just being upfront with what I want and need!
Well, I am off to half ass my hair, makeup, and housework!
Beberapa Jenis Tas Untuk Souvenir
6 years ago
So how did you make out at Old Navy? And why did you drive all the way to the Boro? Is that one better?
"Hi Babe, good post"
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