Dear Sarah,
Why do you loathe me so? Let me count the ways...
1. Miserable pregnancy
2. Not sleeping through the night until you were almost one
3. Colic
4. Never allowing me to shop in peace
and number 5.....
Screaming and flinging yourself at the door during a TORNADO watch yelling, "Sarah! Outside! Sarah Outside NOOOW!" Over and over
Luckily, I love your cute, curly headed, ass, or you WOULD have been outside during the tornado.:O)
P.S.... thank you for telling me, "nie-nie, luv ew," when I put you to bed. I love you, too, Beelzebub.
Beberapa Jenis Tas Untuk Souvenir
6 years ago
That Sarah is a cutie and certaintly headstrong!! Gotta love her!!
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