Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is this really going to happen?

I am not quite ready to blog about the "alternate universe" gas station, mainly because I am trying to build up the suspense. No really, I am just not ready to relive that just yet.
I will blog about other things, Michael Jackson, my kids, and my potential vacation.

*Michael Jackson's funeral was televised and I found myself drawn to it. For the first time in years I watched a television show during the day that did not include some form of singing animal. Unless you count Mariah Carey- rim shot! Just joking. Anyway, I have always had a fascination with funerals, maybe because I have been to a lot of them in my 28 years, including my brother's when I was 17. Kind of a weird "fascination", I guess, but they are intriguing to me just the same.
As far as Micheal Jackson, so much of his music has influenced me and my life. I remember watching the Superbowl the year the "Black or White" video debuted, and thought it was the most awesome thing I had witnessed. I remember roller skating as a kid to "Remember the Time". He was a hit-making machine, and changed music and dance in his 50 years on earth.

*The Divas- Sarah turned 22 months yesterday, so you know what that means- birthday time coming soon! I think I am going to keep the 2nd b-day celebration pretty low key this year. Sarah is not a huge fan of big parties and crowds, so I think it will just be a cake and some close friends.
Rebecca has been diva-ing up the potty, much to my excitement. She has gotten over her fears and is so proud of her accomplishment. Rebecca starts pre-school next month, and is already, in true diva style, trying to decide which lunch box and backpack to get for school. She is currently torn between "Spongebob" and "I-Carly", and has suggested I buy them both, just in case.

*Is this really going to happen? My Aunt Cindy has offered to take the girls for a couple days next week. Overnight.... no kids..... three days.... I don't think I will know what to do with myself. The plan is to take them to her house on Sunday (she lives in KY) and pick them up Wednesday. I am giddy with excitement, but also apprehensive as to how Sarah will do. She is pretty set in her ways with bedtime routines, etc, but I am hoping she will be a joy for Cindy and allow me a couple days here by myself. DH will be in Texas for work, so I will be all alone. Stay tuned to find out if I get a lot done, or run around the house like the kid in "Home Alone!"