I like to whine a lot when I feel less than stellar. (because I am a Diva, that's why) This can sometimes prevent sympathy when I am really sick. (I am so the little girl who cried barf) Since the sperm and egg met and created the half-devil, half-beast which we call "Sarah", I have been sick a lot. I became hypoglycemic during my pregnancy and apparently the disease felt I was an exceptional host, and stuck around even after expelling the Diva from my womb.
I was sick during my entire pregnancy. Around week 19 I thought, "I think this might stick for the duration". I proceeded to let my doctor medicate me with anything she was willing to write on her magic script pad.
I started feeling ill last night, and it quickly progressed into a full fledged migraine along with a healthy side of nausea. I can't help remembering exactly two years ago, when I was 12 weeks pregnant with Sarah, feeling the exact same way. Sleeping didn't really make much difference. What I really want is another of those magic pills from my doctor.
I know I have mentioned the slight aching in my womb before, but after a shopping trip the other day I realized I really don't want any more children. Again, Rebecca-good, Sarah-devil. I know you should not pick favorites with your children, but Rebecca is definitely winning "favorite child to take shopping". (insert obligitory I love them both equally, they are precious gifts, etc here)
I have determined when it is time to take my Diva's wedding dress shopping it will go a little something like this:
Picture me, 25 plus years from now gazing adoringly at my lovely grown Diva...
"Rebecca, would you prefer we fly to Milan or Paris to gown shop?" "Why yes Rebecca, I would love to watch you try on another thirty gowns!" "No, we really should spend at least four days searching for the right pantyhose, it really doesn't matter if no one sees them, you will know!" etc, etc...
Picture me 26 plus years from now yelling at my other lovely grown Diva...
"Sarah, you are taking too long... I am hungry, I am bored, I am tired, I want to go home!!! Get me a cookie, Get me a nap!!!! Shop on your own time!!!!"
That's my plan and I am sticking to it. It really makes me rethink the whole "maybe I should have another kid for the great drugs" theory.
Beberapa Jenis Tas Untuk Souvenir
6 years ago
I know what you are going through is not funny...but your blogs certainly are! You definitely have a knack for making people laugh and I'll be one of the first people in line to buy that book you eventually write and happy for you when it makes you a billion dollars!
That being said, I hope you feel better soon...it just doesn't sound fun at all :(
Ok, Bud, I've been whining since Thanksgiving - our two homes are desperate to feel better. Actually, I can get everyone but myself feeling better...its almost past the whining-will-help point (scary thought). Raising a teaspoon of Nyquil in your honor, dear...
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